March 8, 2025

True Orthodox Diocese of Western Europe

Russian True Orthodox Church (RTOC)

Fasting is a Healer of both Soul and Body

by Fr. Aleksandar Radunovic

Oh, wondrous mysteries! Fasting is a healer of both soul and body.

In the dark cloak of night, when silence unveils the sounds of hidden desires of the soul, one encounters the boundless ocean of their emptiness. In these moments, it becomes clear that fasting is more than abstention; it is a call to the mystery of the infinite, an invisible journey to the depths of God’s presence.

Fasting, brothers and sisters, is the mirror of the soul, the relentless judge of our passions. It is not merely the absence of food, but the presence of a spiritual hunger that yearns for the heavenly manna, food that cannot be bought with the silver of the world, but is gained through prayer and tears of repentance.

In the light of the Holy Fathers, the Nativity Fast is an ark of salvation in the flood of our daily temptations. As Noah’s ark preserved life on Earth by God’s will, so does fasting preserve the soul from spiritually sinking into sin. Fasting is an acceptance of God’s call, an echo in the silence of our being that says, “Come and follow me.”

Yet, fasting is not only a physical renunciation; it is a mystery that unfolds in the quiet chamber of the heart, where one faces the Lord face to face. In that encounter, in that transformative experience, we become aware of the light that springs from darkness, a light that cannot be seen with the eyes of the body, but only with the eyes of a cleansed soul.

Oh, what a mystery! The Nativity Fast teaches us that our true nourishment is not of this world, but our real substance is in Christ, the “Bread of Life.” Through fasting, we discover that our greatest hunger is the hunger for God. And every moment in the fast, every restraint, and every renunciation is nothing but a deeply rooted “yes” of our being to Christ’s call.

In the holy silence of the Nativity Fast, our voices become quiet, and our hearts louder. Taught by the Holy Fathers, we realize that every sigh of the fast is not lost; it is a wordless prayer, a prayer that ascends directly to the throne of God, a prayer that cannot be expressed in the language of this world, but in a language understood only by the spirit.

May the Nativity Fast be like a guiding star in the night of this life, a lighthouse that illuminates the path to the eternal morning of Christmas, when all sorrows will be resolved, all tears wiped away, and the fast crowned with the indescribable joy of meeting the Newborn Lord.

In the depth of the Nativity Fast, where we meet with the holy whisper echoing through the desolation of our hearts, lies a mystery that transforms every moment of our existence. Through fasting, the heart is calmed and opens up for a deeper understanding of the Divine will. Fasting is a journey toward inner peace, a path to deep silence where God speaks in the language of love and wisdom, which we can hear only when we remove all that is superfluous.

As the fast deepens, so does our ability to see and feel God’s presence in everything around us. The light of the Bethlehem star not only guides us but illuminates every corner of our being, revealing parts of us that are forgotten or neglected. The Nativity Fast, therefore, is not a period of deprivation, but a period of revelation.

Every step in the fast is a step towards humility, towards realizing that we are nothing without God’s grace. Each day of the fast reminds us that we are merely pilgrims through this world, seeking our eternal home in the embrace of the Father. As the body renounces transient pleasures, the spirit ascends, striving for the heavens, where true joy knows no end.

Through the silence of the fast, God’s voice becomes clearer. He calls us to peer deep into the ocean of divine love, to surrender to the currents of grace that can carry us to the shores of salvation. In this holy time, every breath becomes a prayer, every whisper of gratitude a song that climbs high, beyond the stars, to the very throne of God.

In the contemplation that fasting allows, we discover love as the fundamental principle of existence. This love transforms us, making us akin to Him we love most – Christ Himself. Fasting thus becomes our participation in the divine life, a path of transformation that prepares us for the glorious morning of Christmas, when the love at the foundation of all things manifests in the arrival of the Savior.

This process of transformation that fasting offers is akin to a journey through the desert, where each step is taken in solitude, but never alone. Accompanied by angels and under God’s protection, one dares to go deeper into their own being, exploring and uncovering the deepest secrets of the soul and heart hidden beneath layers of daily concerns and temptations. We become travelers unafraid of the depth of their hearts, for they know there they will find a treasure surpassing all earthly riches; peace that comes from God.

As the days of the fast accumulate, our understanding of God’s will becomes ever clearer. We learn to see God’s action even in small, seemingly insignificant things. Every thought of renunciation, every decision to choose the spiritual over the material, leads us one step closer to the realization that the bright path leads us to God’s embrace.

This magnificent fast, therefore, is not just a time of moderation and control; it is a feast of the soul that celebrates its connection with the Creator. Fasting allows our soul to soar, freed from the shackles that bind it to transience. In this spiritual ascent, we learn that our true value lies not in what we possess, but in what we can be in Christ.

As the holy morning of Christmas approaches, our expectations grow, not because of worldly desires or cravings for gifts under the tree. Our heart yearns for the gift that only God can bring; transformation and renewal. The light that Christmas brings is not the twinkling of artificial lights, but the light that permeates the soul and illuminates the path to eternity.

Thus, in the continuity of the fast, we realize that every moment of our devotion and dedication is not just personal effort, but part of a Divine plan that transforms us and prepares us for the ultimate encounter with the Newborn King, who comes to fulfill all promises and bring peace to our weary souls. In this spirit, the Nativity Fast does not represent just the end of a period, but the beginning of a new life in which the light of Christ leads our steps towards eternity.

May this Nativity Fast, O Lord our God, lead us into the depths of Your love and wisdom. Grant us the strength to persevere on the path leading to You, illuminating our steps with the light that comes from You. May each day of the fast be a journey toward a deeper understanding of Your will, a celebration of our soul rejoicing in Your presence.

Grant us the wisdom to recognize Your signs on this path and the courage to follow Your commands with a pure heart. Cleanse us from every sin and strengthen our will through the trials that life brings.

In Your hands, we entrust every moment of this holy time, praying that You guide and teach us, that our small sacrifices be pleasing to You. May our abstinence be an expression of our gratitude for Your boundless gifts, and our prayer a bridge leading to the peace that only You can bring.

Bless, Lord, and multiply the light in our souls so that when the dawn of Christmas arrives, we are ready to greet You with joy and to perceive the fullness of Your love in the arrival of Christ, our Savior. Amen.

Father Aleksandar

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