March 26, 2025

True Orthodox Diocese of Western Europe

Russian True Orthodox Church (RTOC)

Cleansing of the Heart: The Path to God

by Priest Aleksandar Radunovic

Now is the time to look deep within ourselves. Fasting is not merely abstaining from food, but from everything that distances us from God.
Fasting is cleansing—not only of the body, but above all, of the heart.
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”
(Matthew 5:8)
If we want to see God, if we want to feel Him, if we desire to be filled with His peace, then we must first cleanse the heart.
But what does this mean?
It means to cast out everything from ourselves that separates us from Him: anger, pride, envy, passions, evil thoughts, attachment to the transient.
Today, O my soul, learn how to purify the heart, for only in a pure heart does God dwell.
Step One: The Heart is a Sanctuary
The world today does not care for the heart.
People care for their bodies, their image, their success; but rarely does anyone care for the purity of their heart.
But God does not look at the outward appearance.
He looks at the heart.
“For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”
(1 Samuel 16:7)
You may appear pious on the outside, but if your heart is full of anger, God sees it.
You may fast and pray, but if you harbor envy in your heart, God knows it.
You may do good deeds, but if you are filled with pride, you are not yet cleansed.
Therefore, guard your heart more than anything else.
“Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.”
(Proverbs 4:23)
Step Two: How to Recognize the Impurities of the Heart
Sometimes we think we are clean, but when we truly look within, we see that our heart bears a heavy burden.
There are five poisons that defile the heart:
Pride – when we think we are better than others, when we seek recognition, when we do not know how to humble ourselves.
Anger – when we cannot forgive, when we carry pain and judgment in our heart.
Envy – when we cannot rejoice in another’s good, when someone else’s success wounds us.
Impure thoughts – when we allow the mind to be filled with images, desires, and thoughts that separate us from God.
Love of the transient – when we bind our heart too strongly to what is not eternal: money, power, reputation, pleasure.
If you find any of these poisons within you, do not despair.
God is there to cleanse you.
But you must allow Him to enter your heart and renew it.
Step Three: How to Cleanse the Heart
Prayer from the Depths of the Soul
Do not pray only with words, but from the heart.
“Lord, cleanse my heart! Take away from me all that is not of You!”
If you pray this every day, your heart will be transformed.
Unconditional Forgiveness
Let go of every offense.
Do not carry anger within, do not remember who hurt you.
Forgive everyone, for only a pure heart can receive God.
Fasting Not Only of the Body
Fast from evil thoughts.
Fast from judging others.
Fast from useless words.
Fast in such a way that your heart becomes light as a feather.
Holy Communion
Christ comes to cleanse your heart, but you must prepare it for Him.
When you receive Holy Communion, let it not be merely a ritual;
let it be the moment you surrender your entire being to Him.
Humility Before God
Do not think you are already pure.
Do not think you are better than others.
Simply fall before Him and say: “Lord, only You can cleanse my heart.”
And when you do this,
then you will know what it means to have peace in the soul.
Step Four: Signs That the Heart is Being Cleansed
How will you know your heart is becoming pure?
You will feel inner peace.
You will stop judging others.
Your mind will be free from useless thoughts.
You will forgive without bitterness.
You will feel God’s nearness, even in the hardest moments.
For when the heart becomes pure,
it becomes the throne of God.
Today, on the twenty-second day of the Fast, let your prayer be simple:
“Lord, cleanse my heart!”
Ask for nothing else.
For if your heart becomes pure,
you will have everything.
You will feel God.
And then you will know that man’s heart was truly created only for Him.

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