The Path to Salvation The Path towards Salvation Our salvation,...
Wisdom from the Fathers
Obedience by St. Ambrose of Optina Obedience If the work of redemption of mankind was performed by the obedience unto...
"The Lord begins to reveal His power when a person sees that all human means for providing help to the...
"Star Authorities" and Orthodoxy Spiritual Father or "Orthodox" guru? One of the worst sicknesses of "Orthodox Christians" of...
A REPLY TO ONE WELL DISPOSED TOWARDS THE LATIN CHURCH Regarding the unjust glorying of the papists in the imaginary...
In the beginning, envy is revealed through inappropriate zeal and rivalry, and later by fervor with spite and the blaming...
One of the Elders asked, "How can a man teach to his neighbor that which he himself does not observe?"
Love is the fruit of prayer ... Patiently abiding in prayer signifies a man's renunciation of himself. Therefore the self-denial...
St. Theophan the Recluse Sincere faith is the renunciation of your own mind. It is necessary to make your mind...