+ Ep. P În viața Bisericii Ortodoxe, conceptele de „Akrivia” (Ἀκρίβεια) și „Oikonomia” (Οἰκονομία) joacă un rol crucial în administrarea...
To Ponder
فهم الدقة (أكريفيا) و التدبير (إيكونوميا) في الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية. بقلم غبطة الأسقف فلاريتوس في حياة الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية، يلعب مفهوما "أكريفيا"...
Understanding Humility Humility, often misunderstood as mere self-deprecation, is far deeper and more profound. It is not about thinking less...
This year, as happens when Pascha is late, New Calendarists will not observe the Fast of the Holy Apostles. According...
Throughout history, the resilience and endurance of the Orthodox faithful have been tested by numerous challenges. Among the most profound...
In the Orthodox Christian tradition, the journey towards salvation is often described as a process of healing. This perspective stems...
St. Dionysius the Areopagite, an illustrious figure in the history of the Orthodox Church, once wisely stated, “nothing is good...
Understanding of the Holy Trinity Nature and Persons of the Trinity The doctrine of the Holy Trinity, central to Orthodox...