Priest Aleksandar RTOC There is a light that is not of this world, and a darkness that is not merely...
By Vladimir Moss Life is a race for the prize of salvation; and few there be who win it. We...
+ Ep. P În viața Bisericii Ortodoxe, conceptele de „Akrivia” (Ἀκρίβεια) și „Oikonomia” (Οἰκονομία) joacă un rol crucial în administrarea...
فهم الدقة (أكريفيا) و التدبير (إيكونوميا) في الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية. بقلم غبطة الأسقف فلاريتوس في حياة الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية، يلعب مفهوما "أكريفيا"...
Celestial stars of the spiritual realm, enlighten my mind with your rays. Every year, between July 13th and 19th, the...
Icons play a central role in Orthodox Christian worship, serving as both a visual representation of the divine and a...
Throughout history, the resilience and endurance of the Orthodox faithful have been tested by numerous challenges. Among the most profound...