by Elias Khoury And a blessed New Ecclesiastical Year to All! The remainder of the Column on which St. Symeon...
Translated from the Arabic by Elias Khoury
On August 2nd, the Orthodox Church commemorates the Feast of the Translation of the Relics of the First Martyr Stephen,...
اليوم، بينما نحتفل بعيد القديس سمعان المتباله من أجل المسيح، نتأمل في التقليد الغامض و العميق لـ "الجّهال من أجل...
The Orthodox Church venerates many saints whose lives of piety, devotion, and miraculous intercession continue to inspire the faithful. Among...
The Life of Saint Panteleimon Saint Panteleimon was born in Nicomedia (modern-day Izmit, Turkey) in the late 3rd century to...