From the Life of our Church
(Прощеное воскресение)Во имя Отца и Сына и Святаго Духа! С завтрашнего дня мы вступаем на поприще Великого святого поста и...
By His Eminence, Archbishop Tikhon of Omsk and Siberia: First Hierarch of the Russian True Orthodox Church
By His Eminence, Archbishop Tikhon of Omsk and Siberia – First Hierarch of the Russian True Orthodox Church - Unofficial...
History of the community of the Russian True Orthodox Church in the city of Zeya, Amur region
Yesterday, during the Divine Liturgy on the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers, Bishop Savvatiy of Vinnitsa ordained a deacon and...
October 5/18, 2020 Feast of the Holy Martyr Charitina O Lord our God, crown them with glory and honor! Priest Alexander...