March 6, 2025

True Orthodox Diocese of Western Europe

Russian True Orthodox Church (RTOC)

Beacon of Truth and Brave Defender of Orthodoxy, Saint Mark of Ephesus, the Archbishop Who Stood Against Heresy

Saint Mark of Ephesus was one of the most zealous defenders of Orthodoxy in a time when many succumbed to threats and deception.

He was born in 1391 in Constantinople to pious and noble parents, George and Maria.

From his early youth, he dedicated his life to studying the Holy Scriptures and the teachings of the Holy Fathers. When the time came for the confession of faith, he did not waver before any trial but became an unshakable pillar of the Church of Christ.

His zeal in the struggle for the purity of the faith was especially manifested at the Council of Florence (1438–1439), where he remained the only Orthodox bishop who did not submit to the Latin heresy and the union.

While many succumbed to imperial pressure and the promises of the papists, he steadfastly proclaimed:

“I shall not renounce my faith, nor shall I betray my Orthodoxy, nor shall I alter by a single letter the teachings of the Holy Fathers! Let nations rise, let the kings of the earth be troubled, let them threaten me with exile, let them take my life—nothing is more important to me than the Truth of God, to which I have vowed myself!”

After the Council, he returned to Byzantium as an exile, but his testimony was stronger than any persecution. Though many abandoned him, he never ceased to teach the people and to call them to reject the union, which was nothing but a betrayal of the faith of the Holy Apostles and Fathers.

He proclaimed that true unity cannot exist without unanimity in faith, for only in Orthodoxy is the fullness of Truth. The saint knew that the Church of Christ is invincible, regardless of how much its enemies sought to enslave or corrupt it from within.

Though persecuted both by the authorities and by false brethren, he remained steadfast. When he was thrown into prison in 1440, he endured all suffering with joy, knowing that only Truth has eternal value.

The Last Testament

Before his blessed repose, he warned his disciples to beware of the deceptions and snares of the West, which had led many to spiritual ruin. His closest disciple, the future Patriarch Gennadius Scholarius, received his final words as a testament and continued his struggle for the preservation of the faith.

The words he left as a warning for all time were:

“Beware of the snares of the West! Do not let yourselves be deceived! Hold fast to the faith we have received, the faith we have confessed, the faith for which we have suffered! It is better to die in Truth than to live in delusion!”

Saint Mark of Ephesus reposed on June 23, 1452, just a year before the fall of Constantinople, leaving an indelible mark on the history of the Church. The faithful mourned him as a pillar and beacon of Orthodoxy, but his teachings and testimony have endured through the centuries as a guiding light for all who seek to remain faithful to the Truth.

A Warning to Future Generations

The life and work of Saint Mark of Ephesus testify that true faith stands above all compromise and that whoever is in Christ need not fear persecution, for the Church is built upon a firm rock, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

His example remains both a warning and an encouragement to all who face the temptations of heresy and the scandals of this world.

May his words be inscribed in the hearts of all Orthodox Christians:

“To you who read this in the times to come, I pray to the Lord that He may strengthen you in faith, that He may open your spiritual eyes so that you do not fall into delusion, so that you do not succumb to temptation.”

“Let not the greatness of the world nor the promises of the mighty deceive you. For the world and its glory pass away, but the Truth of Christ remains forever!”

“Stand firm in the faith, holding to the tradition you have received, and do not be afraid, for Christ is with those who love Him!”

Oh, how wondrous is our faith, brethren!

It is a light that does not fade, a pillar that does not crumble, a fortress that does not falter. In it is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, who has said:

“Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom” (Luke 12:32).

Whoever stands in the Orthodox faith stands in Truth. For the Church is the Body of Christ, the vineyard that the Heavenly Father tends, the ship that will not sink, no matter how fiercely the storms of this world rage.

Therefore, let us guard our faith as the greatest treasure, as the pledge of salvation, as the spiritual inheritance handed down to us by the Fathers. Let us not lose heart, let us not be deceived by the vain philosophies of men, but with all our hearts, let us cleave to the Lord and remain faithful to His Holy Church.

May we be strengthened in this by the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, of all the holy apostles, fathers, and confessors, and may we be interceded for by Saint Mark of Ephesus, so that through his prayers, we too may, in the company of the saints, glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

A Prayer to Saint Mark of Ephesus for the Confession of Faith

O holy and courageous confessor of Christ, Mark, beacon of Truth and fearless protector of Holy Orthodoxy!

You who were a pillar and bulwark of the Church, who did not waver before the threats of this world, who exposed falsehood and triumphed over heresy by your word and life, intercede for us who are weak and strengthen our faith with your prayers.

Teach us, O saint of God, not to bow before human reasoning but to stand firmly in the teachings of the Holy Fathers, which the Holy Spirit Himself has sealed in the Apostolic and Catholic Church. Grant us the spirit of discernment and sobriety, that we may distinguish truth from falsehood, light from darkness, and that we may never accept any compromise that would separate us from the one saving faith.

O steadfast witness of Truth, pray to the Lord that He may grant us courage in confessing the Orthodox faith, that He may preserve us from scandals and deceptions, and that He may strengthen us in times of persecution and suffering. Be our guide on the narrow and thorny path that leads to the Kingdom of God.

Obtain for us from the Lord the grace that, like you, we may never depart from Holy Tradition but may preserve the faith undefiled until our last breath so that we may be found worthy of fellowship with you in heavenly glory, where with the angels you glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

This text and prayer were prepared with love in Christ and in commemoration of Saint Mark of Ephesus

By Father Aleksandar RTOC

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