St. Theophan the Recluse How could it be that although Simon the Pharisee reveres the Lord and invites Him over,...
"Error, indeed, is never set forth in its naked deformity, lest, being thus exposed, it should at once be detected....
Írta Dr. Vladimir Moss Beszélgetés egy ortodox keresztény és egy őszintén kereső között az ortodox hitről Kereső: Mi az ortodoxia?...
În numele Sfintei Treimi nedespărțite, dătătoare de viață, Tatăl, Fiul și Duhul Sfânt, Un singur Dumnezeu. Amin! Credem într-un...
by Dr. Vladimir Moss Abbess Margaret, in the world Maria Mikhailovna Gunarodnoulo, was born in 1865 or 1866 in a...