Nativity Epistle of Most Reverend Tikhon, Archbishop of Omsk and Siberia, 2018. Nativity Epistle to all faithful of the Russian...
Diocese of Pallini and Western Europe Nativity Epistle 2018 Why do you marvel, O Mary? Why are you amazed at...
On Sunday, November 26/ December 9, 2018, on the feast of St. Alypius the Stylite, Constantine Mexis was tonsured a...
The Holy Martyr Boniface and the Righteous Aglais The account of their lives was copied from “The Holy Martyr Boniface...
According to the official site of the Serbian Patriarchate, "The Anglican Community in Belgrade also this year traditionally held a...
Anatemas contra el Evolucionismo A la perversa enseñanza acerca de que todo el proceso dela Creación tuvo, y tiene lugar,...
Анатематизма против Эволюционизма Учащим нечестиво, что весь процесс творенияпроисходил и происходит не по Промыслу Божиему, а случайно, путем случайных процессов...
ThTh was an Old Testament prophet during the building of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, and one of the twelve minor prophets in the Old Testament and...
Confession of Faith and Ecclesiology of The Russian True Orthodox Church 2008 (English) DEFINITION OF THE SACRED COUNCIL ON THE...
"Patriarch" Kyrill seeks help from the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the UN to protect his people in Ukraine....