March 9, 2025

True Orthodox Diocese of Western Europe

Russian True Orthodox Church (RTOC)

1 thought on ““All the teachers of the Church, all the Councils, and all the Divine Scriptures exhort us to flee those who uphold other doctrines and to separate from communion with them”

  1. Define “teachers of the church” and “councils” and “divine scriptures”. This meme level stuff needs to end. Enoch is scripture, Origen & Thecla are teachers (where are your female “equal to the apostles” now?), and the councils are imperial meetings that cannot have binding force (e.g. there was no agreement in the 4th century that the Holy Spirit was of the same substance as The Father). You operate by selectively choosing who to obey & proof texting as needed to support your particular synod. If I turn to “the fathers” I end up finding all kinds of teachings that contradict everything you say, such as marriage never having required priestly involvement, Gregory of Nyssa and Universal Salvation being wildly heretical today, or saints teaching that nearly everything can be a mystery/sacrament, such as prayer, blessing of water, etc. Many of your sacraments (necessary confession to a priest) were not found in the early centuries, but are latter innovations.

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