February 22, 2025

True Orthodox Diocese of Western Europe

Russian True Orthodox Church (RTOC)

Akathist Hymn to Saint Panteleimon, Great Martyr and Healer

St. Panteleimon

Akathist Hymn to Saint Panteleimon, Great Martyr and Healer

Kontakion 1

Chosen passion-bearer of Christ and gracious healer, who freely grantest healing unto the sick, we praise thee in songs as our protector. Since thou hast boldness with the Lord, free us from all harm and sickness who cry with love unto thee:

Rejoice, Saint Panteleimon, Great Martyr and Healer.

Ikos 1

We know thee, glorious Panteleimon, as an earthly angel and heavenly man. Adorned with angelic purity and martyrdom, thou hast passed from earth to Heaven. Standing before the Throne of the Lord of Glory with the angels and all the saints, thou prayest for all of us on earth who venerate thee with these invocations:

Rejoice, torch of piety.

Rejoice, most glorious lamp of the Church.

Rejoice, adornment of venerable martyrs.

Rejoice, support of the faithful in unflinching endurance.

Rejoice, outstanding boast of youth.

Rejoice, thou who having grown up in the world, wast not of the world.

Rejoice, angel in the flesh, surpassing mortals.

Rejoice, warrior of Christ of invincible courage.

Rejoice, witness of heavenly mercy.

Rejoice, vessel of divine knowledge.

Rejoice, thou by whom faith hath been exalted.

Rejoice, thou by whom delusion hath been dethroned.

Rejoice, Saint Panteleimon, Great Martyr and Healer.

Kontakion 2

Seeing thee to be a chosen vessel, the Lord loved the beauty of thy soul. Despising all earthly glory and pleasure, thou didst long to adorn thyself with the crown of martyrdom. Hence, wounded with divine love, thou didst jubilantly sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Possessing divinely inspired knowledge, O valiant warrior Panteleimon, thou didst astound the Emperor Maximian by the courage of thy soul and by the words with which thou didst fearlessly preach Christ. Wherefore praising thy boldness, we cry unto thee:

Rejoice, thou who didst despise Maximian’s threats.

Rejoice, thou who didst not follow the advice of the godless.

Rejoice, propagator of true adoration.

Rejoice, uprooter of demon worship.

Rejoice, accuser of the fury of torturers.

Rejoice, overthrower of the delusion of idolatry.

Rejoice, thou who didst disperse the assembly of the godless.

Rejoice, thou who didst exchange the corruptible for heavenly joy.

Rejoice, converser with immaterial angels.

Rejoice, fellow chorister of longsuffering saints.

Rejoice, thou by whom Satan was put to shame.

Rejoice, thou by whom Christ is glorified.

Rejoice, Saint Panteleimon, Great Martyr and Healer.

Kontakion 3

By the power of the Most High given unto thee and by thy strong patience thou didst render powerless the torturer’s insolence, O valiant victor who wast undaunted by fire, wild beasts, and the wheel. When beheaded with the sword, thou didst receive the crown of martyrdom, wounded with divine love and singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

The monastery which hath thy precious head as a great treasure, O divinely wise martyr, is filled with joy over it. Praising the grace of healing given unto thee by God, the monks thankfully cry unto thee:

Rejoice, all-radiant lamp of Nicomedia.

Rejoice, vigilant guardian of the monastery that honoureth thee.

Rejoice, thou through whom godlessness grew cold.

Rejoice, thou through whom the knowledge of God hath increased.

Rejoice, bright glory of the passion-bearers.

Rejoice, joyous report of the Orthodox.

Rejoice, gracious source of healings.

Rejoice, worthy container of great gifts.

Rejoice, fragrant myrrh who dost sweeten souls.

Rejoice, ready helper of those who call upon thee.

Rejoice, thou who didst give sight unto the blind.

Rejoice, thou who didst cause the lame to walk.

Rejoice, Saint Panteleimon, Great Martyr and Healer.

Kontakion 4

Possessed by a storm of polytheistic thoughts, the impious Emperor was confused upon learning from the doctors, who were jealous of thee, that thou healest all kinds of hopeless illnesses by the Name of Christ. We therefore glorify with gladness our wonderful God in thee, and we cry unto Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

When the people of Nicomedia heard of thy great compassion for the suffering and of thy free healing of all illnesses, everyone rushed to thee with faith in the healing grace in thee. Receiving swift healing of all their diseases, they glorified God and magnified thee, Saint Panteleimon, their most gracious healer, crying unto thee:

Rejoice, thou who art anointed with the myrrh of grace.

Rejoice, thou who sanctifiest the Temple of God.

Rejoice, great glory of the pious.

Rejoice, firm wall of the oppressed.

Rejoice, thou who surpassest the wise in knowledge.

Rejoice, thou who enlightenest the thoughts of the faithful.

Rejoice, recipient of divine gifts and source of many of the Lord’s mercies for us.

Rejoice, speedy helper of the suffering.

Rejoice, harbor of the storm-tossed.

Rejoice, instructor for those gone astray.

Rejoice, thou who dost heal the sick freely.

Rejoice, thou who dost work miracles abundantly.

Rejoice, Saint Panteleimon, Great Martyr and Healer.

Kontakion 5

The Lord worked a glorious miracle through thee when through His servant Hermolaus, He called thee into His marvelous light. After thy prayer to Christ, a child who had died from snakebite at once revived and stood up healed. Thenceforth, recognizing the Giver of Life as the True God of all, with firm faith thou didst cry unto Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

The blind man whom thou didst touch with prayer in the Name of Christ recovered his sight, O glorious martyr. Renouncing thy father’s polytheism, thou wast baptized by the priest Hermolaus and didst embrace thy mother’s religion with which thou didst also enlighten thy father. We therefore cry aloud unto thee, Saint Panteleimon, as unto a glorious servant of God and wonderful healer:

Rejoice, thou who hast great devotion for God.

Rejoice, thou who art ever aflame with the fire of divine love.

Rejoice, thou who didst listen to the teachings of the priest Hermolaus.

Rejoice, thou who didst follow the advice of thy mother Eubule.

Rejoice, thou who didst give away everything to obtain Christ.

Rejoice, thou who didst vanquish love for the world by love for God.

Rejoice, thou who didst renounce worldly pleasures and didst accept for Christ cruel sufferings.
Rejoice, thou who didst become a partaker of Christ’s Passion.

Rejoice, thou who didst overcome all the passions.

Rejoice, thou who through grace wast adorned with dispassion.

Rejoice, thou who dost fill with joy those who hasten to thee.

Rejoice, thou who dost heal all freely by the grace of Christ.

Rejoice, Saint Panteleimon, Great Martyr and Healer.

Kontakion 6

The blind man enlightened by thee in body and soul became a preacher of the truth. Like the blind man of the Gospel, he boldly preached Christ unto all as the True Light that enlighteneth every man. Because he reproached the impious Emperor and the pagan gods, he was beheaded and rose to the never-waning light in Heaven to sing unto God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Standing before the Emperor’s tribunal with a radiant face, thou didst boldly declare in the hearing of all, O thrice-blessed Martyr Panteleimon: Mine all-healing power and glory is Christ, the True God, the Lord of all, Who raiseth the dead and healeth all infirmities. For this confession we bless thee and say:

Rejoice, thundering mouth of the deity of Christ.

Rejoice, mellifluous tongue that declareth His plan of salvation.

Rejoice, orator of sublime theology.

Rejoice, wise sower of piety.

Rejoice, sweet-sounding flute of faith.

Rejoice, glorious preacher of Orthodoxy.

Rejoice, faithful follower in Christ’s footsteps.

Rejoice, joyful seer of Christ’s glory.

Rejoice, comfort of those reproached by unbelievers.

Rejoice, support of those who confess the Faith.

Rejoice, giver of help unto those who need it.

Rejoice, obtainer of blessings for those who honour thy memory.

Rejoice, Saint Panteleimon, Great Martyr and Healer.

Kontakion 7

Myrrh was poured out upon thy soul, O divinely wise healer Panteleimon, from the Comforter Spirit. Hence, after thy death, thy venerable relics by their fragrance banish the stench of the passions and give healing unto those who with faith cry unto God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

When the worshippers of idols beheld the paralyzed man raised and walking through thy prayer, Saint Panteleimon, many believed in Christ. However, the demon’s priests, consumed with jealousy, incited the vain Emperor to anger. For this reason, unto thee who wast mercilessly tortured and burnt for Christ, we cry with compunction:

Rejoice, thou who didst despise earthly pleasures.

Rejoice, thou who wast above material comforts.

Rejoice, thou who didst regard as nothing all the beautiful things in this world.

Rejoice, thou who didst shake thyself free of fleeting glory.

Rejoice, thou who didst remain free from the nets of the devil.

Rejoice, thou who didst vanquish the wiles of the torturers.

Rejoice, thou who didst not spare thy life for Christ.

Rejoice, thou who wast shewn to be an enemy of hostile flesh.

Rejoice, thou who didst impede the spread of polytheism.

Rejoice, thou who by the power of God didst defeat the idols.

Rejoice, sharp arrow by whom enemies are wounded.

Rejoice, mediator who defendest the faithful.

Rejoice, Saint Panteleimon, Great Martyr and Healer.

Kontakion 8

The Lord appeared unto thee in a wonderful way, encouraging and upholding thee in the tortures for His Name. In the person of the priest Hermolaus, the Lord cooled the boiling lead into which thou wast thrown, and in the sea He untied the great stone from thy neck and brought thee unharmed onto land. Whereafter having been brought again before the Emperor, thou didst sing triumphantly unto Christ our God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

While dwelling noetically wholly in Heaven, thou leavest not those below on earth but remainest with us through the relics of thy holy skull, O great passion-bearer of Christ. Receiving from the Lord enlightenment and sanctification, thou givest blessings unto those who cry unto thee thus:

Rejoice, thou who art filled with divine wisdom.

Rejoice, discerner of God’s providence.

Rejoice, delight of minds made wise by God.

Rejoice, gladness of souls who love God.

Rejoice, bright pearl of Christ.

Rejoice, glorious sanctification in soul and body.

Rejoice, dweller in the courts of the firstborn in Heaven.

Rejoice, inhabitant of the ever-blessed bridal halls.

Rejoice, beholder of the light of the Trinity.

Rejoice, fervent mediator in thy prayers to God for us.

Rejoice, thou who grantest illumination unto souls.

Rejoice, thou who givest comfort unto the afflicted.

Rejoice, Saint Panteleimon, Great Martyr and Healer.

Kontakion 9

All nature marveled, Great Martyr, at the radiance of grace and the wealth of virtues in thee. Thou art a model of angelic purity, great courage in cruel sufferings, strong love for Christ, and great compassion for the people for whom thou doest glorious things that they may sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Eloquent orators cannot worthily praise thy struggles, O glorious victor Panteleimon. By the invincible power of God, though young in years, thou didst conquer the ancient, primordial enemy and didst put to shame the deluded idolaters. Full of wonder at thy faith and purity, we truly cry unto thee:

Rejoice, joyful sight of angels.

Rejoice, worthy wonder of men.

Rejoice, thou who didst shed thy blood for Christ, and in death didst shed milk.

Rejoice, thou who didst give up thy body to a martyr’s death for His sake.

Rejoice, splendid model of confession.

Rejoice, valiant warrior of the King of kings.

Rejoice, thou who didst conquer the ruler of darkness.

Rejoice, thou who by thy victory didst gladden Heaven and earth.

Rejoice, blessed inhabitant of the world above.

Rejoice, wise pilgrim of the world below.

Rejoice, tree adorned with the fruits of the gifts of grace.

Rejoice, thou who carriest palms of victory.

Rejoice, Saint Panteleimon, Great Martyr and Healer.

Kontakion 10

Full of compassion as a true imitator of Christ the Giver of Mercy, thou wast renamed by Him Panteleimon — that is, all-merciful — for thou pourest mercy upon all who hasten to thine aid. Pour it also abundantly upon us who cry unto God concerning thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Finding thee a strong wall resistant to all kinds of torture, the torturer tried to break thy spirit by the teeth of wild beasts and the spikes of the torture wheel, but all to no effect. The power of Christ restrained the fierceness of the beasts, and the frightful wheel on which thy body was turned immediately broke to pieces. Wherefore unto thee, invincible passion-bearer Panteleimon, we cry:

Rejoice, precious chosen-one of Christ.

Rejoice, exquisite fragrance of God.

Rejoice, firm diamond of the Church.

Rejoice, unshakable tower reaching unto Heaven.

Rejoice, tamer of visible beasts.

Rejoice, crusher of invisible dragons.

Rejoice, thou who wast stained with thy blood shed for Christ, mixed with milk.

Rejoice, thou who hast received glorious crowns.

Rejoice, thou who bringest joy unto angels and men.

Rejoice, thou who hast been glorified by God in Heaven and on earth.

Rejoice, celestial one who singest in the choirs of the martyrs.

Rejoice, holy one who delightest in the sweet vision of Christ.

Rejoice, Saint Panteleimon, Great Martyr and Healer.

Kontakion 11

A funeral song do we offer unto thy sacred immolation for Christ, in which milk instead of blood flowed from thee, Great Martyr, and the olive tree under which thou wast beheaded was all covered with healing fruit. It is fitting that we cry fervently unto Christ Who wonderfully glorifieth those who glorify Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

A luminous ray wast thou, divinely wise Panteleimon, unto those sitting in the darkness of polytheism, leading them unto the Sun of Righteousness, Christ God. Him do thou entreat that we who offer unto thee glad praises may ever live in the light of His Commandments:

Rejoice, bright star, shining in the noetical firmament.

Rejoice, ray of light, shining for Christian people.

Rejoice, thou who wast mystically illumined by the Sun, Christ.

Rejoice, thou who in spirit roamest the earth.

Rejoice, beautiful tabernacle of the Holy Ghost.

Rejoice, honourable vessel who pourest out healing.

Rejoice, treasury of purity.

Rejoice, namesake of mercy.

Rejoice, heir of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, partaker of eternal glory.

Rejoice, patron of those in distress upon the sea of life.

Rejoice, unmercenary healer who helpest those who invoke thee with faith.

Rejoice, Saint Panteleimon, Great Martyr and Healer.

Kontakion 12

Thou didst receive an abundance of grace, O thrice-blessed one, according to the greatness of thy love for Christ God, Who also shewed thee to be a source of healing. Thou curest free of charge the sicknesses of soul and body of those who approach thee with faith and cry unto God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Chanting of thy longsuffering labors for Christ, O our defender and healer Panteleimon, we praise thy great patience, we bless thy martyr’s death, we honour thy holy memory, and in praise we cry unto thee:

Rejoice, sweet-sounding trumpet of piety.

Rejoice, sword who didst cut down impiety.

Rejoice, thou who wast struck at the olive tree for Him Who didst stretch out His hands on the Tree of the Cross.

Rejoice, by being burnt for Him, thou didst extinguish the furnace of delusion.

Rejoice, by thy wounds, thou didst wound the opponents of Christ.

Rejoice, by thy blood, thou didst dry the streams of idolatrous blood.

Rejoice, thou who wast thrown into boiling lead for Christ.

Rejoice, thou who wast sunk into the sea for His Name.

Rejoice, thou who didst remain unharmed therein by the providence of God.

Rejoice, thou who didst pass through tortures of fire and water into the peace of Heaven.

Rejoice, thou who didst pour unfailing streams of mercy upon the faithful.

Rejoice, gracious and compassionate physician who grantest healing through grace.

Rejoice, Saint Panteleimon, Great Martyr and Healer.

Kontakion 13

Since you are a longsuffering passion-bearer of Christ and a healer, Saint Panteleimon, graciously accept from us this small offering. Heal us of our many and various ailments, and through thine intercession protect us from enemies visible and invisible. Pray to the Lord that we may be delivered from eternal torment, and that we may continually sing in His Kingdom: Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia.

(Repeat Kontakion 13 three times.)

Kontakion 1 (repeated)

Chosen passion-bearer of Christ and gracious healer, who freely grantest healing unto the sick, we praise thee in songs as our protector. Since thou hast boldness with the Lord, free us from all harm and sickness who cry with love unto thee:

Rejoice, Saint Panteleimon, Great Martyr and Healer.

Ikos 1 (repeated)

We know thee, glorious Panteleimon, as an earthly angel and heavenly man. Adorned with angelic purity and martyrdom, thou hast passed from earth to Heaven. Standing before the Throne of the Lord of Glory with the angels and all the saints, thou prayest for all of us on earth who venerate thee with these invocations:

Rejoice, torch of piety.

Rejoice, most glorious lamp of the Church.

Rejoice, adornment of venerable martyrs.

Rejoice, support of the faithful in unflinching endurance.

Rejoice, outstanding boast of youth.

.Rejoice, thou who having grown up in the world, wast not of the world.

Rejoice, angel in the flesh, surpassing mortals.

Rejoice, warrior of Christ of invincible courage.

Rejoice, witness of heavenly mercy.

Rejoice, vessel of divine knowledge.

Rejoice, thou by whom faith hath been exalted.

Rejoice, thou by whom delusion hath been dethroned.

Rejoice, Saint Panteleimon, Great Martyr and Healer.

A Prayer

Saint Panteleimon, we who suffer from godless persecutors as well as from illnesses and disabilities, beseech thee to increase our love for Jesus Christ Who suffered cruel and unjust treatment for the sake of our salvation. We do not deserve such salvation or any benefits from the saints in Heaven. Yet, since thou dost freely give, and since all gifts come only through God, we implore thee to heal all our afflictions and illumine our souls unto His service and glory. We thank thee, Saint Panteleimon, for not rejecting us in our weakness but helping us in our time of need. Amen.

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