October 15, 2024

True Orthodox Diocese of Western Europe

Russian True Orthodox Church (RTOC)

☦️ A Letter to You Who Seek the True Church ☦️

By Priest Aleksandar Radunovic

Dear brother or sister in Christ,

If you are reading this, it means that your heart has already been awakened in the search for the True Church, that holy place where the purity of faith is preserved, where Christ dwells, and where the soul can find peace and salvation. Your journey is not easy, for we live in times of great confusion, where many paths are presented as correct, and many false lights deceive the souls that seek the truth. But believe that the Lord, who has placed you on this path of searching, will not leave you without answers if you sincerely surrender to Him and listen to the voice of His Holy will.

The True Church is not hidden, but to find it, you must seek it with a heart filled with humility and love for God, not with human pride and arrogance. The True Church is where the faith is pure, untainted by compromises and heresies of this world. It is where the teachings of the Holy Fathers are unwaveringly upheld, where Christ’s sacrifice is renewed daily in the Holy Liturgy, and where the Holy Spirit is poured out upon the faithful through the Holy Mysteries.

You who seek the True Church must know that it is not found in large and glittering buildings, nor among those who have conformed to the spirit of this age. The True Church is often small and humble in the eyes of the world, but it bears the seal of eternity. It is the Church that does not compromise with false teachings, that does not agree to “modernize” the faith to please people, but remains faithful to the path laid down by the Holy Fathers, the path that leads to the Heavenly Kingdom.

If you wish to find the True Church, begin by seeking in your own heart. Repent for your sins, cleanse your thoughts and heart of vanity and worldly passions. The Lord calls us to be humble and pure of heart if we wish to recognize Him. Pray sincerely and with the fear of God, that He may guide you to His Church, for only His will can show the way that leads to salvation.

The True Church is the one that has remained outside the World Council of Churches and all those communities that have consented to spiritual betrayal, exchanging the faith handed down by the apostles for worldly advantages. It is the Church that steadfastly preserves the Holy Tradition and the apostolic faith, standing upon the foundations of martyrdom and confession. There you will find the light of Christ, which has not been dimmed by innovations and human opinions, but shines in the purity and simplicity of faith.

Do not seek glory and power in this Church, for it, like its Founder, is humble and lowly in the eyes of the world, but glorious before God. Its faithful are often persecuted and despised by those who follow the path of worldly fame and influence, but they stand firm in the truth, awaiting the Lord’s coming in glory to confirm their faith.

If you sincerely seek the True Church, the Lord will show you the way. Keep His commandments, be persistent in prayer and humility, and do not fear the trials that will come. For the one who finds the True Church has found the path to eternal life, to salvation, and eternal peace in our Lord Jesus Christ.

May the Lord guide you, enlighten you, and strengthen you on your path of searching, and may He bring you to His Holy and True Church.

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